Fire Department Recruitment
Full Time Firefighter II/AEMT: Application deadline was Monday, February 24, 2025. A selection process is ongoing. This process will seek to fill an immediate opening and create a list to be used for hiring in 2025. At the start of position, must have current Wisconsin, IFSAC or Pro Board certification as a Firefighter II. Wisconsin licensed or National Registered EMT (Paramedic or AEMT preferred). Valid State of Wisconsin Driver’s License. AEMT or medic (in 12 months), Driver/Operator (in 18 months), Fire Inspector and Aerial Operator (in 24 months), required to be completed. Please see the Job Announcement and Job Description for additional information including schedule, compensation, and benefits. Before the application deadline, please complete and submit an employment application, resume with cover letter, and copies of required certifications/licenses. The materials can be emailed to Chief Jenny Minter at, mailed to Chief Minter’s attention at 400 Blue Mounds Street, Mount Horeb WI 53572 or dropped off in person at the Public Safety Building. Questions can be directed to Chief Jenny Minter at or 608-437-7832. Selected candidate subject to background check, pre-employment medical/physical screening and drug screen.
Click here for FDMH Firefighter II/AEMT JOB ANNOUNCEMENT
Click here for FDMH Firefighter II/AEMT JOB DESCRIPTION
Paid-on-Premise (Fill-In) Program - The purpose of the Paid-on-Premise (POP) program is to help augment the full-time staff of FDMH. Paid-on-Premise staff provide various duties that may include incident response, data management and reporting, office and clerical support operations, facilities and apparatus maintenance, fire inspections and prevention activities, and miscellaneous duties regarding the operation of the Mount Horeb Area Joint Fire Department. Paid-on-Premise shifts will vary on the needs of the department. A typical work shift will be 6:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday to Friday, but night and weekend shifts also available after orientation. Must work at least one (1) shift per month. If you are interested in this position, email Chief Jenny Minter at
Want to join our team of volunteers? We are always looking for new members!
Emergencies happen on our highways as well as in our homes, schools and job sites. This means the safety of our community is dependent on the generous contribution of time and talent of our volunteer EMTs, EMS Drivers and Firefighters. To provide round the clock coverage, a large team of volunteers are needed.
There is nothing more satisfying in life than helping other people in emergency situations. The satisfaction you will enjoy by helping to save lives and protect property in your community is immeasurable. In addition, you will develop organizational skills, problem-solving skills, camaraderie with your fellow volunteers and staff, and find opportunities for life-long learning.
If you would like to explore a membership opportunity in fire or EMS services with FDMH, please fill out a membership application. Drop completed applications off at the fire station Monday-Friday 8 - 4:30PM. Applications are reviewed by our Membership Committee. Please be patient, as the process may take a couple months to complete. Generally, after application review, an interview is scheduled and a background check is performed.
You may apply for membership prior to taking classes and be "associated" with the department for classroom purposes. Firefighters must train to Firefighter II level within three years. Firefighting classes are paid for by the Department. Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) must become EMT certified but are encouraged to become Advanced EMT certified. You may be eligible for full reimbursement of EMT class fees following a commitment to membership. EMS Drivers will be trained “in-house” with a CEVO certification and driver training program.
Firefighters and EMTs are handled differently regarding hours of commitment to the department. Firefighters must remain in "good standing" to be active members. 36 hours of training must be recorded and a minimum response to calls are necessary to remain in "good standing." Training is provided by the fire department on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month from 6:30 PM until completion. Attending training will ensure you meet ongoing training requirements. CPR certification must be maintained by all members. There are incentive plans offered by the fire department for being a member, but members are still considered volunteer.
New EMTs must commit to running shifts at least twice the hour requirements of the class to be eligible for reimbursement. For example, EMT-Basic class is comprised of 180 hours of classwork, meaning the requirements for reimbursements are commitment to 360 hours of shift-work on an ambulance. Generally, EMTs are assigned an ambulance crew and meet hour requirements through shift assignments. Ambulance crews run the same night each week (vacation time and trades are allowed should an issue arise) or have some commitment to weekends, usually running a weekend shift every 8 weeks. EMTs must record 18 hours of training annually to remain in "good standing." EMS training is provided on the 4th Monday of every month from 7:00 PM until completion. EMS members are provided an hourly monetary stipend for their shifts. EMTs begin in what is referred to as a "rider" position, learning from a Crew Chief and completing an orientation process. Once complete, an EMT may move into an "attendant" position providing patient care. The stipend is dependent upon your level of certification.
Sleeping and kitchen accommodations are available for those who spend the night at the station for shiftwork.
Mount Horeb Area Joint Fire Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Positions will be filled to comply with civil rights laws with no discrimination shown on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, sex, age or religion. In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, the Department will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities.